Winter's Rose
Thank gosh for Hellebores! Also known as Winter’s Rose, Hellebore are a welcome respite from a chilly and colorless winter. Here in Philadelphia, mine began to poke their heads up in the second week of January. These delicate beauties are particularly impressive in that they hold their flowers for the entire year! Well, who knows, it could be longer, but we cut ours back during our late fall cleanup.
Although we had a mild winter this year, it only seemed to increase my anticipation for spring. Starting in January, I wandered around our garden wondering when I would begin to see signs of life. Every tiny bit of green poking through our mulch has been eagerly noted and encouraged!
Here are some of my Hellebore in the garden. I should mention that all of these Hellebore came from Carolyn’s Shade Gardens in Bryn Mawr, PA. Aren’t they lovely?

In previous years, I have not cut any of our Hellebore to bring inside. However, I was recently inspired by a post from the Instagram of Wayne-local, Eddie Ross. He showed a gorgeous arrangement of Hellebore from his garden in a sterling silver antique sugar bowl. Take a look at his post below!
Eddie Ross has the most beautiful collection of vintage and antique pieces. I really admire his unique style!
Much to my chagrin, I do not have a sterling silver antique sugar bowl! At least…not yet! I do have a beautiful blue and white tea pot (purchased for $9 on Facebook Marketplace) and two blue and white bud vases (purchased for, I think, $20 at Redecor Home in Byrn Mawr).
Here are my Hellebores, freshly cut from the garden.
The things I can get away with while Alex is out of town…
There you have it! I am welcoming Spring indoors with fresh cut Hellebore arrangements. In a few days, my Narcissus will be blooming and there will be even more Spring inspiration to share. Until then, I hope you enjoy this beautiful weekend.