Work-From-Home Tips from a Full-Time Work From Homie
An unprecedented number of people are working from home across the globe amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Between horrific news articles detailing the outbreak and its victims, I sometimes see useful nuggets of information to help those whose day-to-day lives have been completely overturned by the virus.
I have been working from home full-time for two years. Besides a drop-off in my weekend social schedule, my routine has remained almost exactly the same amid recent events and new local, state and federal government mandates.
With two years of work-from-home experience under my belt, I will say this: it is hard. And it is even harder now amid the uncertainty and fear that we now live in and the volatile financial market. That being said, I want to share some of my tried-and-true tips for being efficient while working from home in hopes of making your next few weeks a little bit easier. Here in the US, Trump has extended the stay-at-home order through the end of April, which gives you another month to try out some of my tips! I am also sharing a few of my favorite things that make work-from-home (WFH) more enjoyable. Let me know what you think!
Before I dive in, I will leave you with this quote by Cicero: “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” How true! I am so lucky to have both.
You might remember that I bought this antique desk on Facebook Marketplace. It is now in a corner of our bedroom and serves as my second work space. If you do not have a desk or table you can work off of at-home, check Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Offer Up, etc. to find an inexpensive option locally. With the prevalence of “porch pick-up” you will not have to interact with another person at all!
Wake up at your normal time. You now likely have much more free time in the morning because you don’t have to commute. Don’t use it to sleep in. Try and stick to your normal routine as much as possible. You’ll thank me when it is time to return to work.
Make your bed! I am surprised at how many adults don’t make their bed each day. I was just speaking to a colleague this morning who was shocked that I actually make my bed every day. To me, making my bed is a quick way to signify the start of the day on a productive note. Plus, getting back into a made-bed at night is so nice! Also, if your bed is made, you won’t be as tempted to get back in it for a nap.
Get Dressed! Absolutely NO sweatpants! Sweatpants are the antithesis of productivity, and while you may be comfortable, you won’t feel pulled together and that will be reflected in your work. I am not saying you have to be fancy, but please, nothing baggy. I like to wear a pair of Lulu Lemon leggings and a button-down shirt.
Freshen-Up. One of the biggest things I noticed when I started working from home was how much money I saved on makeup! It is a huge plus. That being said, don’t forgo skin care entirely. I use a low-cost tinted BB cream/moisturizer from Target to even-out my complexion. Then, I swipe on some mascara. The whole thing takes less than 2 minutes and makes me feel infinitely more pulled together. Add a little dry shampoo and voila! You are ready for the day!
Do not turn on the TV during work hours. Not even for Tiger King. Streaming services like Netflix can suck you in and your day will go straight down the drain very quickly.
Don’t drink more coffee than you normally do. This is another big temptation because of how inexpensive K-Cups and bags of coffee cost. However, if you drink an entire pot of coffee, this will negatively impact your sleep, which will make you want to sleep in the next morning. See #1!
Limit online shopping during work hours. With the influx of marketing emails and COVID-19 promotional sales, and no boss looking over your shoulder, it is tempting to shop online will working from home. However, many of these purchases are likely impulse buys and hours of online surfing will distract you from being productive.
Get outside and get moving! I am pleasantly surprised at how many people have been walking in our neighborhood lately. Fresh air is one of the best cures for physical and mental illness and I can guarantee it will make you feel better. I have been working hard on our garden and enjoy watching everything “spring” to life in our neighborhood.
Have a dedicated work space (or a few!). It is important not to work from bed (another reason why you should make yours in the morning) or the couch. Have a dedicated work space where you set up your laptop and other work-related devices so that you can stay focused and productive. This is important, because it will also signify to other members in the house that when you are in this space you need to focus and should not be disturbed. That being said, do not feel as though you must stick to just one dedicated work space. I am fortunate to have a home-office, but I also work at the kitchen table and at a small desk in our bedroom to switch things up.
Block your calendar: working from home is great because you can throw in a quick load of laundry or vacuum between meetings. My house has never been cleaner. However, it is easy to get distracted by chores on business-hours. To make sure I am staying productive with work, I block my calendar each morning with my planned activities for the day, including home-related tasks. This way, I make sure I am not easily distracted with a side project and I stay on task.
Cross off lingering home projects. Make a list of any projects that have fallen to the wayside. For example, touching up paint, fixing a cabinet door, etc. Put one per day on the calendar schedule you’ve made above. Since you will be getting up at your normal time, you will probably have an hour or so each morning where you can get these things done!
This is my “official” home office.
Here are some of my favorite work-from-home products:
Stand up desk from Amazon:
Anti-Fatigue Comfort Mat (to go with stand up desk):
Sonos Play 1 Speaker:
Maybelline Dream BB Fresh 8-in-1 Beauty Balm Skin Perfector:
Trish McEvoy Jet Black Mascara
Cuisinart Coffee Maker (great because it has both single-serve and full pot options!):
I hope this list helps you be more productive while working from home over the next few weeks. Try to enjoy this extra time at home as much as possible, despite the troubling events we are witness to. And of course, thank you to our medical professionals, emergency personnel, and all others who are working hard to slow the spread of COVID-19.