Stained Glass Hosta
When we planted our Stained Glass Hosta in May of 2017, Alex and I never would have thought they would get SO BIG! These hosta just continue to grow and grow. They are very happy now that the Arborvitae Green Giant and the Viburnum Carlesii have grown in and can provide much-needed shade. The hosta experienced some burn in the previous two seasons. I can’t wait for their fragrant blooms!
I also love how the purple/hot pink from the Astilbe have picked up the purple in the flowers on the “Blue Mouse Ears” hosta. It all came together quite beautifully!
Here is a photo from the day we planted our little one gallon Stained Glass Hosta. This was two years ago in May 2017.
Alex is very talented at choosing colors and textures that work well together. I was reluctant about these Hakonechloa at first but now I absolutely love how they work together with the Stained Glass.
Here is another photo of my favorite hosta “Blue Mouse Ears”. I woke up a few mornings ago to find that a deer had come and eaten the blooms right off two “Blue Mouse Ears” on the other side of our property. I am still in mourning.