

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my garden, home, and travel! Enjoy.

October Entryway

October Entryway

Philadelphia is holding onto summer for dear life. We have had a few cold snaps but here we are nearing the end of October and the high today is 72 degrees. The warmer weather has been extremely pleasant for Alex and I to enjoy evenings outside around the firepit or with dinner in the vegetable garden. In the height of summer, it is simply too hot and humid to enjoy the yard.

Mums, pumpkins and gourds are the quintessential tokens of fall and we dressed up our backdoor for the season accordingly!

Pumpkins Stoop

I snagged the two pots with the white mums on Facebook for $10 and gave them a stripped makeover using spray paint and tape. It was an easy and fun DIY project!

The sun was hitting the Crepe Myrtle gloriously in the photo above. The tree’s fall color has never looked so great and I am, of course, going to attribute this to my fungicide applications! I also snapped a picture of the Hakonechloa grass which is blooming beautifully.

Citrus: The Trendiest Christmas Décor Item of 2020!

Citrus: The Trendiest Christmas Décor Item of 2020!

Fall Flower Arrangements

Fall Flower Arrangements