My First Spring Bulbs
Last November (2019), I planted Spring bulbs for the first time! I have followed Floret Flowers on Instagram for a few years now and have admired her beautiful cut flowers from afar. Unfortunately, they sell out so fast that I have never been able to purchase them in time!
Last Fall, I was determined to change that. I set a reminder for the exact date and time (October 7th, 12PM EST) her bulbs would be available to shop online. And yay! I got some in time!
I have enjoyed seeing all of my Floret bulbs popping up throughout the early Spring. My favorites are Narcissus Actea, Geranium and Silver Chimes. I plan to order many more Actea, pictured below, next year. They have a very light scent that I caught a few mornings. I hope to plant more down either side of our walkway in between the boxwood and rose arches.
The Narcissus Geranium and Silver Chimes had a much stronger scent than the Actea. I cut many of these to bring inside and their sweet scent was so pleasant to catch while walking through a room.
Narcissus Geranium surround a cement garden statue that belonged to my Grandma.
It seemed like I had endless Narcissus Geranium and Silver Chimes! I put a few stems of Silver Chimes in the bud vases on our living room fireplace. This was lovely as I caught their sweet scent when walking through the french doors into my office.
I also cut some Narcissus Geranium and Silver Chimes to put on the deep window sill over the kitchen sink. I have been burning my JSH candles all day long!
I also ordered Narcissus Petit Four, Cum Laude and White Snowboard.
Now, for the best part, my tulips! I ordered Tulip Santander and Tulip Cummins. I absolutely adore these fringey flowers. I can see them out my kitchen window and they always make me so happy. The Tulip Santander bloomed first and has held on for a few weeks now. The Tulip Cummins are just beginning to open now.
I was nervous to order Tulips because we have had a few deer visitors in our front yard in the past. If you recall, I left the gate to the backyard open on one fateful night and the deer ate the tops of my lovely Blue Mouse Ears Hosta. Anyway, I planted these Tulips in the backyard and have been very careful to shut the gate every night. That being said, I am completely obsessed with tulips now and I am already planning to order many more in the Fall to plant in large pots inside our new vegetable garden fence in the front yard.